Saturday, April 22, 2006

The Coming False Peace

The patterns of Biblical prophecy continue to emerge daily. Seekers and followers of the Lord Jesus Christ have been bombarded with relevant news stories and headlines from around our globe that point exclusively to the imminent return of our Savior. Those with eyes to see and ears to hear glean much from the current global struggle. Like the birth pangs of a mother in labor with child, the earth is preparing patiently for the return of its originator. The creation is groaning for its Creator.

But before all of this can happen, a false peace must first come... A false peace that will culminate in the war of the ages. A satanically inspired war that will not only bring every man against man, but will ultimately bring the armies of the world against God himself. (Any friendly wagers?) Finally, the haughtiness of mankind will be exposed and debased when man comes face-to-face with his Maker.

I will not attempt to explain the theology of Antichrist in this short commentary (Look for new article next week for detailed examination of this subject), rather my goal is to bring your attention to where we stand according to God's prophetic timepiece.

The Bible indicates the Antichrist will arise in a time of great world crisis. Among his chief priorities will be to bring peace to the troubled Middle East region, especially Jerusalem.

While the identity of the Antichrist is unimportant to today's Christian, grasping the concept of Antichrist is vital. Having just returned from Israel, I can tell you that the Jewish people are tired. Tired of warring with their neighbors, tired of terrorism in their cities, and tired of the destruction of their innocent citizens.

Soon, the Antichrist will offer the Jews what they have desperately longed for: Peace and Security! (Dan 9:27; 1 Thess. 5:3) After this false peace is initiated, the world will enter the time foretold by the prophets and by Jesus himself. The time of Jacob's trouble. The time known as The Great Tribulation. How close are we? Is this the final generation? Will our generation see the return of Jesus? By Jerry Robinson

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