Saturday, September 09, 2006

King Kofi the Worst

Even though the UN Security Council passed a binding resolution ordering Iran to give up its nuclear program, Kofi Annan says the best course of action is to do nothing. Has Kofi found a new income source for his retirement to replace his Oil for Food slush fund?

In an interview published Tuesday, Kofi says the world should NOT isolate Iran by imposing sanctions. How is that again? The UN Security Council passed a binding resolution that gave Iran's Ahmadinejad until August 31st to give up its nuclear enrichment program or face sanctions. But after visiting Iran, Kofi told the Madrid daily El Pais, "The international community should not isolate Iran.”

I'm confused. What does “international sanctions” actually mean? If they mean a visit from the UN Secretary General, followed by his public endorsement, then every dictator in the world should stand in line to have the Security Council pass a resolution against them.

Annan told the paper that confrontation with the Security Council "will not be in Iran's favor or that of the region." Did somebody elect Kofi Annan King of the World? What is the purpose of the Security Council, if Annan can simply overrule it unilaterally? Iran insists its nuclear work is peaceful, intended only to produce fuel for nuclear reactors that generate electricity.

That is so lame as to be laughable. Iran is awash in oil. It exports far more oil than it can use itself. Why would an energy independent nation like Iran require nuclear energy for peaceful purposes? It makes as much sense as buying a million dollar Formula One race car and explaining it by saying one needs it to take the kids to school. In short, it makes no sense at all.

How does Kofi Annan see it? In his interview following his meeting with Ahmadinejad, Kofi said, “The world should count on Iran, not isolate it.” Count on it for what? The only promise that Iran has made that bears even a hint of sincerity its its promise to wipe Israel from the map of the Middle East.
Kofi Annan's interference in the multiple Middle East crises is wrong on so many levels it is hard to know where to start.

A good place to start is with his anti-Israeli perspective. Unlike most legitimate international figures, Kofi Annan doesn't even pretend to disguise his hatred for the Jewish state.

Kofi paid lip service to Israel by gently reminding Ahmadinejad, (according to published news reports) "I think the tragedy of the Holocaust is an undeniable historical fact, and we should really accept that fact and teach people what happened in World War II and ensure it is never repeated.”

The next day, while Annan was still in Tehran, Iran said it would host a conference to examine what it called exaggerations about the Holocaust. Did Kofi storm out in protest? No. Did he even MENTION it again? No.

When asked why Iran should not face sanctions, Kofi muttered something about Iran's pledge to rebuild Lebanon as one good reason. He said that instead that Ahmadinejad "reaffirmed his country's support for the implementation of resolution 1701.

OF COURSE he did. Resolution 1701 prevented Israel from destroying Hezbollah. Hezbollah is a puppet of the Iranian government. Iran was BEHIND the war that caused the destruction that now needs rebuilding. Kofi Annan is aware of this. It is not possible that he is not.

Hezbollah was created by Iran in 1983. All of the rockets that were fired into Israel came from Iran. Iran's Revolutionary Guard has openly maintained a military base in Lebanon's Bekaa Valley for twenty-three years.

Kofi Annan wasn't elected king of the world. He simply ascended to the throne on his own. And with the entire Islamic world backing him, he dares anyone to attempt to dethrone him. If there were any hope that America might rise up against its new king, it was dashed by Secretary of State Rice when she endorsed the completely one-sided Resolution 1701.

King Kofi the Worst has spoken. Let all his subjects bow in submission. All hail the King! By Hal Lindsey - 9.09.2006

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