Sunday, February 11, 2007


Everyone wants to know about the future!

But did you know that in a very real way, there are two divergent futures? One is the fate that lies ahead of a world that continues to reject Jesus Christ as Savior. The other is a marvelous destiny that belongs to all who have come to Christ in faith believing.

You and you alone will determine which future will be yours!

Many have complained that Bible Prophecy is a message of "Doom and Gloom," but that is not necessarily the case. Bible Prophecy is simply future history written in advance! Because of that, we recognize it to be the compassionate message of a loving God. It is designed to produce faith in your heart, prompting you to make decisions in your life that will secure a wonderful future for you - both in this life and in the eternities to come.

The fate of the world will be to move into an era of globalism, culminating in a world government, a world religion, and a world economic system. Sadly, that new world order will eventually be led by an evil person that the Bible calls the Antichrist. During his 7 year quest for world domination, over half the people in the world will die!

Admittedly, that message is one of "Doom and Gloom!" But the Good News is that you don't have to be a part of that future. By believing in Jesus Christ as your personal Savior, you become a member of a marvelous entity that is called "the church, which is His body." When you make that decision, you are instantly and eternally saved. You become a creature of destiny!

As a Child of God, you will be spared from the wrath to come by a glorious event that is called "The Rapture of the Church!" You become a joint-heir with Christ, sharing with Him a marvelous inheritance that includes not only this Earth, but the vast reaches of the universe.

There are two futures ahead. Which one will be yours?

If you haven't yet believed on Jesus Christ as Savior, why not do it now? Today would be a wonderful day to begin the rest of eternity as a victorious Child of God. Make that decision today. We pray that you will!

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